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in bed with ginger


Back in the days, if a trainer wanted their horse to act more spirited or lively, they would feague it, which involved sticking a piece of ginger up its hindquarters. Ginger, which contains Gingerol, a chemical that is closely related capsaicin (the stuff found in peppers), has the ability to give off heat, therefore waking the old horse up causing it to liven up as if it had something spicy stuck up its fundament . Today, the practice of feaguing or gingering horses is seen as cruel and banned in competitions, yet ginger’s properties to liven up a thoroughbred is also related to its ability to spice up your sex life.

Okay, now before you go and shove some ginger up your or your partner’s fundament, please stop and continue reading this article. For centuries, ginger has been used to kick start sex drive and has even been mentioned in the famous sex manual: The Kama Sutra, as a powerful stimulant that may be able to increase performance, improve erections and even keep premature ejaculations from occurring. It has also been linked to women’s sex drive, helping to improve libido and increase sensation.  Of course, all of this comes from eating the ginger root, and not necessarily having it shoved where the sun happens never to shine.

The heat that ginger gives off is also said to mimic the body heat produced during sexual excitement helping trigger a sort of placebo side effect in the body allowing people to think themselves into sexual excitement. Research on lab animals (who were fed ginger and not “feagued” with it) has also shown that ginger can also help increase blood flow, especially to the genital areas which can help with sexual arousal and erections.  Further clinical studies have also shown that ginger also increases the level of testosterone in men. Testosterone is an important hormone that helps maintain a man’s libido and drive.

So aside from being an old school horse suppository and the stuff that comes with your sushi, ginger is also a proven sexual aid that can help spice up your sex life. This is probably why the makers of Zenerect, the best selling all natural male enhancement pills, have decided to include it in their formula.  Combined with other natural ingredients, ginger can help naturally increase blood flow to the genitals and increase libido by increasing the testosterone levels with the only side effect being stimulatory in nature. And, you do not even need to shove it up your fundament, unless of course you happen to be into that sort of thing. 

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